Thank you for your support.
You have been directed to this page because you wish to bring hope to Nigeria with your donation for the League Medical and Mental Health Hospital in Anambra State. There are four methods to donate. It is your choice.
Log in to your Zelle® APP – either inside your online bank website or use the Zelle® APP already linked with your bank account on your smartphone. When Zelle® asks the email of the recipient, type in our Zelle® ID – FRANK@CLPNONLINE.ORG. Your screen will show you are donating to “CATHOLIC LEAGUE FOR THE POOR OF NIGERIA.” Enter the amount of your Donation and then click “SUBMIT”. That’s it! Thanks for donating.
You must first set up a Zelle® account within your own online bank account. It’s easy – your bank or credit union probably already offers Zelle®. Check your mobile banking app or sign-in to your online banking site and follow a few simple steps to enroll your Zelle® profile. Then you can follow the steps mentioned above. Remember, when you enter our Zelle® ID –FRANK@CLPNONLINE.ORG, You will immediately see you are donating to “CATHOLIC LEAGUE FOR THE POOR OF NIGERIA.”
Credit Card
Click on the DONATE button and pay using your credit card. If you wish, you may also pay the required transaction fee of 2.2%, but that is not necessary.
Use ZELLE to pay and NO fee will be charged. Use our ZELLE ID (listed here) to pay directly to our J.P. Morgan account.
Mail a Check
Mail a check with your donation to our business address:
Catholic League for the Poor of Nigeria, Inc.
c/o Fr. John Ugobueze
6800 Buffalo Speedway
Houston, Texas 77025
Call Fr. John
Fr. John Ugobueze will answer your questions and assist you in making your donation. This is his mobile telephone:
Fr. John Ugobueze
(217) 530-2610

Four Reasons to Donate
In Nigeria, where half the people live in dire poverty, health care is considered some of the worst in the world by international standards. As a result: Every day in Nigeria, roughly 2,300 children under age 5 die, mainly from preventable causes. This equates to 15 Boeing 737s – loaded with 145 young children – crashing every single day, killing everyone on board. One of every eight Nigerian children dies before celebrating his or her 5th birthday.
Poor people dealing with injuries, cancer, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other illnesses struggle to find basic quality health care – and receiving critically needed surgeries is nearly impossible.
With your support, we can build a hospital offering help and hope.
There is a staggering need for mental health hospitals.
Nigeria has 8 mental health hospitals for 213 million people. USA has 12, 472 mental health hospitals for 334 million people. There are 8 mental health hospitals in Houston alone!
Nigeria has a medical and mental health crisis.
One in four Nigerians – some 50 million people – are suffering from some sort of mental illness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The seventh-largest country in the world, Nigeria has Africa’s highest caseload of depression, and ranks 15th in the world in the frequency of suicide, according to WHO. There are less than 150 psychiatrists in this country of 200 million, and WHO estimates that fewer than 10 percent of mentally ill Nigerians have access to the care they need.
Nigerian doctors need better facilities.
Read interview with the director of Borromeo Hospital, Onitsha, Anambra, Nigeria.
Latest public report by the Health Ministry of the Federal Government of Nigeria regarding the country’s full-service hospitals.
Leave your legacy.
What’s your legacy? Give a donation to CLPN to build a hospital in Nigeria that would benefit millions of poor people in need. This hospital will save and change lives and remain standing for hundreds of years. Every single donation counts! Help us build something together for those less fortunate.