Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I contact to donate more than the amounts shown on the Donate page?
Please e-mail Mrs. Blazek Valdes is on our Board of Directors. She or another Board member will quickly respond. If you provide your telephone number in your email message, we will call.
Are there other options for naming parts of the hospital building or grounds?
Please e-mail Mrs. Blazek Valdes is on our Board of Directors. She or another Board member will quickly respond. If you provide your telephone number in your email message, we will call.
How can I or my organization would like to partner with you in building a modern hospital for the poor in Nigeria?
Please e-mail Mrs. Blazek Valdes is on our Board of Directors. She or another Board member will quickly respond. If you provide your telephone number in your email message, we will call.
Is my donation to the Catholic League for the Poor of Nigeria, Inc. tax-deductible?
Yes. The IRS has recognized us as a 501(c)(3) Charitable organization. We can answer your questions about how to designate your generous donation by naming areas of the hospital. We are a Not-For-Profit corporation registered in Illinois. Our principal place of business in Houston, Texas.
What percentage of what I donate is actually spent on designing and building the new hospital?
Of the funds we have gathered through donations since the organization was founded, we have spent 15.6% for administrative and fund raising purposes. We are a completely volunteer-based, non-profit organization. No one is paid a salary from donated funds and no one associated with our group obtains any financial benefit. Please e-mail Mr. Francisco J Agraz, Treasurer, will be glad to answer your questions if you wish to hear more about our financial activities.